
The affinity the Trudeau Liberals have with CCP reminds me of the relationship between Trump and Putin. It is almost like there is something else there, something we are not seeing. Or is it just that they feel like they are aligining with the more powerful, with a style of governance they admire?

According to public opinion polls, 80% of Canadians have a negative opinion of China. How do we get our government to change their tack?

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The naïveté this government has shown to a regime with a very clear sense of manifest Chinese destiny is jaw-dropping. Canada won’t find security by playing mistress to two masters.

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I agree with much of what you say but you have neglected to note the huge trade relationships that Canada has with China. Both our agricultural products and natural resources are sold there and we seem anxious to purchase the cheapo stuff they produce (a topic for another editorial, I suppose). Perhaps the government is careful with this trade relationship that, when disrupted, causes pain to Canada (ask us in SK what happened when China whimsically refused to accept our canola).

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It takes courage to stand up to a bully. Not sure if we have that anymore. This week's event was promising.

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On the 18th anniversary of Canada’s refusal to join the US in their contrived invasion of Iraq - your comments are pretty weak.

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The Trump presidency's tariff wars clearly showed the risks associated with Canada's dependence on, and integration with, the US. Who is to say what the next US election will bring in 2024? Strengthening ties with other major powers, particularly China and India, makes good sense from balance of power and economic risk mitigation perspectives.

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