Great read. You’re right, we do have a politician like this already and his name is Trudeau.

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This line showed up in my email preview

Our civilization has made a huge mistake confusing famous people for important ones

Brilliant summation!

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Some good points here but I take issue with the author's implied distinction between celebrity and politician. Another view might be that a politician is someone with a very similar skillset (great communicator with an ability to attract and retain followers) to an actor. One just opted to run for elected office as opposed to working in media. I don't believe most of our elected officials (still mostly lawyers) have any great knowledge of, or insight into, the important issues of our time. I remember when I asked a colleague of mine in government (ADM-ish level) what made a good cabinet minister. He told me the ones who read their briefing books were usually better than the ones who "winged it".

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It was Lady Diana Spencer not Diana Fraser, no?

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I'd be interested in knowing who the "left wing politicians" are whom you were thinking of when you wrote "aren’t there left-wing politicians like this already today?" By "like this," I take you to mean, "left-wing politician who peddles outrageous lies, demonizes and caricaturizes their political opponents, insults allied countries, and — maybe worst of all — holds to a narcissistic world view that places their own goals and desires above objective reality."

So, who are these "left wing politicians?"

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