As a consumer and active participant on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram I found myself evaluating my usage of all three platforms. What do I get out of the three platforms? Facebook is a sheltered group. I share my life with predominantly people I know, unless I believe a post to be funny or inspiring. On Instagram it is frankly a way to follow my daughters life. I forget about it frequently. But twitter is my opportunity, as stated in the article, of following and potentially interacting with people with relevant and interesting things to share. Since the pandemic began, this has become increasingly important to me which is why I am following so many medical professionals and scientists. I was blocked a long time ago by Michelle Rempel-Garner. A proud day indeed.

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Feb 4, 2021Liked by Max Fawcett

Solid piece, Max. Dig it. Twitter is definitely what you make it. It has put me in touch with gamers, writers, actors, scientists, economists and all the rest of the very funny and creative people out there just trying to distract themselves from the futility of existence. And hey, if assholes want to cancel themselves, who the fuck am I to stand in their way?

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The only way to incentivize people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg is to leave their platforms en masse.

They make too much money with their Two Minutes Hate Machines to make any real changes. Perhaps we need platforms that aren't created, supported (and defended) by CIS gendered white men.

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As someone who has taken great pleasure in living in Max's head since I joined Twitter, I note that his fake concern for fairness is once again unmasked by his veiled suggestion that it is really only the right that misuses the platform.

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I am never more amused than to have someone from the Globe and Mail critique Conservatives on their words and the platforms to which they speak. Apparently diversity only comes in one form and fails to manifest in the written or spoken word. After all is it not the Globe and Mail who has constructed the narrative of all Canadians and is the grand bearer of all truths? Or is that the Toronto Star? Pardon me as I digress further into the soiled remnants of main stream media and the bias of the majority of those still left. Not only has it become extremely partisan but the majority try aimlessly to discredit anyone who does not follow the same ideological beliefs or does not seem as diverse and educated in the science they follow.

As old as the fossils that produce the very carbon that is destroying the new god of the woke, the earth, who's words are prominent in main stream media and only promotes unity and truth as only they know all. The rest is but squalor and trifle boon from entities far beneath the crust to which they walk upon. Science is after all the barer of all truth and only the science that is government funded can be considered truthful. That to disagree or place attention to much of the fallacy that is continually thrown out as science yet has little to no semblance of proof but for far reaching models, that like the ones for the virus, are sketchy at best. To dare question the imminent destruction of this earth in but years unless we turn this ship around from the monstrous calamity of climate change is blasphemy! People must be destroyed for even thinking such things let alone voice them. My god we have decenters among us and they must be crushed, cancelled and deleted at once. Only our words are truth. The rest is but conspiracy theories that are humorous at best and void of truth of any kind. They must be stopped from speaking as people may actually believe the fallacy of their claims. After all those who believe such nonsense are uneducated and deplorable at best. They must be stopped from spreading mistruths and creating division. Here! Here! Send them all to the chambers below and place them in chains.

When you decide to crawl down from that throne you are sitting upon and deem your voice is truth, then perhaps conversation can be had. I have never seen such pompous, deviant, and evil behavior in this country in my entire life. Never has there been such actions taken by any entity or government against its own citizens with the help of main stream media and the big Tech companies. Ever! Conspiracy theories have always been abound from JFK to Area 51 and Aliens, and they always will as its part of human nature to question things. To conceptualize in different ways in order to make sense of what is right before your eyes yet seems unbelievable.

No single entity should ever decide what truth is. Be it a government or a company or an individual. Nor should one Government with people of the same ideology decide what is truth and what is not. I will say no more as you yourself know this to be true. You are not the truth sayer of this earth nor a god to decide who can be removed or stopped from speaking. Nor is Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Bezos's, or Google. The Trudeau Government considers themselves god and they are the very furthest thing from that same with the Big Tech companies or the main stream media. No one except a consortium of people should be deciding that if anyone at all.

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