Hi Line Editor,

I hope you'll take a minute to read my response to "Doug Ford's Rules Make No Sense..."

The complete and utter confusion in the education system makes your point stronger many times over. The chaos is multiplied when the school board gets done with trying to implement. It's an insane clown show.

One example: HWDSB recently rolled out a new approved sanitizer for use on articles that will be handled by students, ie. desks, bins, countertops. The sanitizer requires a 5 minute stay on the surface, and then a water rinse. And this is to replace the previously approved product which required a 3 minute staying time.

What kindergarten or primary kid is going to sit at their desk and wait 5 minutes and not touch a wet surface? It seems like stupidity.

Going through the typical daily email list of memos from the school administrator (principle, vice-principal) a teacher is faced with these obsessive new protocols for any number of items or procedures, and then at the same time they are being told they can sign up for the next workshop on Anti-racism or Math Curriculum strategies.

You can just tell, you just know by reading between the lines, that the board staff are literally freaking out every day trying to do the right thing in response to the latest government "whim" – fact is, they can barely get organized to show up to work with their buttons buttoned and their zippers zipped, let alone lead an army of parents and teachers in a sensible way.

Ford's strategy of creating choices, and letting local school boards find their way is not stupidity, it is pure evil, because his government can lay blame in any number of directions. And they are already doing it, and they will keep doing it.

It is evil and destructive and irresponsible to the core. It's not just being stupid. It's about creating chaos. And in the schools it is working.

Second example: HWDSB announced a second restructuring yesterday. In the K to 8 school I know about, 6 teachers were surplused, meaning 6 classes worth of students will no longer be attending in person starting next week and will either be doing "online" or "homeschooling". So the six teachers with least seniority are bumped into new positions, and they will no longer be working at that school where they just spent several weeks setting up their classes and getting to know their students and their families. And the remaining classes will get new students and their numbers will go up, overcrowding classrooms even more. This is because the Ontario gov't never created new class size limits, so we're working with the usual numbers of 22 kids per class, on average. One kindergarten teacher's room is not big enough to accomodate the 16 students she had before the reorganization, and now she will likely have to find space for at least 5 more students.

Every class gets kicked over like so many bowling pins, and now the entire school setup changes. Parents who thought they were choosing to have their kids stay at school will now be learning that their child's class has closed, and the kids are being split up into two or three other classes. So much for the concept of doing our best to create safety and security for our children.

So much for looking after peoples' mental health. Multiply that times several dozen schools, and all the school boards in Ontario, and you see that this is not stupidity. It is an evil, cutthroat strategy where you destroy the system by systematically giving up your authority to act and protect people, and you let other agents (school boards, parents) make choices. The strategy for education under the Ford government has been to sell off the pieces by giving up the choices. Lecce is the ultimate poseur.

The system is literally coming apart from the inside because of this planned chaos.

I tell you the revolt is already happening. Teachers are crying BS and are tossing the obsessive cleanliness protocols out the window, especially when they see inconsistencies all around.


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Not your best. People know the rules. Distance, mask, wash your hands. Where you are does not matter.

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The Line seems to be going down the path of Toronto regional reporting. A lot of "National" media outlets are already crowding this area of of opinion pieces, sometimes at federal taxpayer expense.

Nothing wrong with a regional report, but it should be made clear before we in the colonies spend our earnings on a subscription.

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