I have lived in Alberta for thirty plus years, and for most of that time coal was used to generate a preponderance of Alberta’s electricity. In my view, despite the “dirty coal” narrative, Alberta’s environment is pristine. Moreover, I believe that for Albertans to flourish, we need to do our utmost to ensure we have access to inexpensive and reliable energy; this need negates the use of wind generated and solar generated power. I know – sounds like crazy talk.

The unreliability of renewables mandates a parallel generation scheme (more likely fossil fuels than nuclear in this province). Why have two systems when one will do? Albertans have a lot of debt. We do not have the money to pay for a parallel renewable system – especially one that needs subsidies. We should choose one system – fossil fuels. The money we save on renewables can be used to pay down debt, or on social programs.

Notwithstanding the above, as we all know, diversity is our strength. Consequently, I would have both gas and coal fired power plants. Coal because it can be stored right at the powerplant, it is inexpensive, and Alberta has it in great abundance. Gas because it is inexpensive, clean burning, and Alberta has it in great abundance. Currently gas is cheap. When it becomes more expensive, we can burn more coal to generate inexpensive electricity. Remember, my goal is to ensure Albertans have access to inexpensive and reliable energy. Another strength of coal is that it can be stored right at the generating plant. We will be happy about that if there is ever an interruption in the gas supply as happened recently during the Texas blackouts.

I am not worried about Alberta’s environment. Alberta’s environment is fine despite what others have told you. We are under great pressure to not burn coal. China’s coal power plant capacity in 2020 is more than three times the rest of the world’s. (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-coal-idUKKBN2A308U) Do not worry. Alberta will still be pristine if we burn coal to generate a portion of the electricity we need. Let us allow Albertans to flourish with inexpensive and reliable energy.

Let me recommend the book “A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations” by Robert Bryce.

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We can not live off love and they will shut down the oil and gas sector of that I am certain. With the increasing carbon taxation there is no way farmers will survive either. Buying electric combines and all other equipment after what they already spent for what they have, is not much of a financial option and most likely infeasible. The new progressives are moving to vegetarian diets eating non-meat products, so too the rancher shall be phased out. Then what? The tech industry shall grow as will Government as by then they will be running everything. Our educational Institutions should pretty much have the next generation indoctrinated and socialism will be the governing model of our once great country. Yes, you will own nothing, have nothing, and yes you shall be happy. You will have no other choice but to be. Glad I will not be here for your new and improved world.

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just one itty-bitty little concern here; once OGNC becomes the status quo, how long before it morphs into NOGC — no oil, gas, or coal?

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