Feb 6, 2021Liked by Line Editor

I too can't dredge up much sympathy for the newspapers. They must have seen the bell tolling years ago. And I'm really sorry to say this, but I don't particularly respect "journalism" as something sacrosanct. It used to be, but I've been sincerely insulted and discouraged by what it's become. The 21st century has provided us with some truly exceptional people with no journalistic background creating provocative online platforms devoted to facts, science, and objective viewpoints. The best welcome opposing views and refreshing discourse. Having said that, I will miss CJAD a lot.

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Feb 7, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Village media is doing great things with online local news. They have my eyes daily. There is a future if the gov will stay out of its way.

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Feb 7, 2021Liked by Line Editor

I am now a annual subscriber. good sales job btw.

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Great piece. I must agree with Anne as I have found journalism to be everything it should not be which makes it difficult to feel compassion for those who are going through the transition. Its sad and the fact that there are truly few independent newspapers as they are all own by big conglomerates that are partisan which in turn makes the journalism targeted to the views of the company that owns them. When I go through my local newspaper I find mostly articles that are a regurgitation from the Canadian Press. They reprint articles that are done by others which have no content of interest to the people in the community and is basically old news by the time the papers come out. I guess I have become disillusioned with the whole situation of the news anymore and the amount of partisan and low level thought to which no discourse is allowed. With out the different ideas, thoughts and information or oppositional views, its just government approved news. Talk radio has become a National Government Information Site with only one set of views allowed to be talked about. Any one daring to question any government information or speaking of a different view point is demonized, subject to hate texts, and people attempt to have them fired. To me that is frightening. No discourse allowed. It defeats the entire purpose of having talk radio so people can speak their mind and question certain actions or decisions. Canadians are losing a lot more than journalism today, they are losing freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and the freedom to work and feed ones family. The future is not looking very good as it appears people don't seem to care anymore, they want the Government to take care of them. My thoughts on Government are that most people there are overpaid, under qualified and mostly incompetent, bordering on complete disaster. They would be the last entity I would like to control my and all Canadians lives. Dead last.

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