Oct 20, 2020Liked by Meaghie Champion

The woke are intolerant arbiters, and it pains me to see the sway they hold in the media, in the academy, and in politics, all institutions that thrive when free of the shackles of groupthink. How much longer can these woke thugs hold this sway?

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Meaghie Champion

Thoughtful article.

I may not be the best-equipped person to ask about this (and if I am, tell me and I'll remove this comment) but as a POC do you run the risk of being called a traitor, a sellout, suffering from internal racism/colonialism or something along the lines of 'Uncle Tom' for daring to have a different opinion that some of the woke left activists?

I can't help but think that's a way for some activists in minority communities to punish members of their own groups who step 'out of line' by accusing them of dishonouring their heritages and roots.

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