Never have I seen such a disposition of a Government to a supposed nation that appears to have such vitriol hatred and nothing but disparaging and divisive malice towards its citizens, its history, and its laws. This government has committed us to such horrendous acts of self flagellation that we, who were once the number one country in the world to live in, are now too embarrassed to look in the mirror. We have continually been forced into submission to appease one Province at the detriment of all others and now they are promoting the castration of the Constitution for the an annotation to make a nation with in our leaders "post national state." Apparently the rest of Canada is unredeemable and unable to stomach itself so they must preserve the only viable entity within it worth saving, Quebec. I feel ill with no hope of recovery under the present circumstances and the leadership of malice by this Liberal Government of Canada. May our country rest in peace and seek solace in the death of a Nation.

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Ethically, what's the difference between Bill 21 and a Barbaric Cultural Practices hotline?

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